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Social media (Instagram, Facebook)


Instagram post – Price $50

Instagram story – Price $20

Instagram post + story – Price $60


After the payment posting in 24 hours or less
Payment: PayPal, Cash App

Before the payment send us your content to for a review. We will inform you if it is approved.

After your content is approved, we will provide you all the information about payment.

After the payment is done, send us an email with the information below:

Video Title: Artist Name – Song Title
Video: Your short video or YouTube link (we will cut it) 
Instagram account name 
Caption: You can make your own caption (if we decide that it is not suitable, we will fix it) or we will make it for you to get more engagement,


Facebook post – Price $80

Facebook story – Price $30

Facebook post + story – Price $90

After the payment posting in 24 hours or less
Payment: PayPal, Cash App

Before the payment send us your content to for a review. We will inform you if it is approved.

After your content is approved, we will provide you all the information about payment.

After payment send us this info:

Video Title: Artist Name – Song Title
Video: Your short video or YouTube link 
 account name
Caption: You can make your own caption (if we decide that it is not suitable, we will fix it) or we will make it for you to get more engagement.

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